CD tuning

What to do with CDs sitting unused? We suggest a birdwatcher to be hung in front of the window, which will save the life of many birdies.


45-60 min


From 10


Studio Örreke or we will come to your place

Detailed description of the workshop

Modern office buildings with large windows are deadly bird traps. Birds fly against them and fall drowsily on the street. But if there is something hanging in front of the window, the bird knows it can’t fly through. Tuning a CD with a spotted mandala is also a therapeutic and calming activity for ourselves.

The pleasant circular shape provides inspiration for many objects. For example, you can make a parking meter or a wall decoration.

The workshop lasts at least 45 minutes or as long as you want to keep on tuning. We are also happy to accept any left-over CDs from the participants.

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